Cecelia, You're Breaking my Heart~
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You're breaking my confidence daily |
Anyway, the lovely lady to your left there is White Lily Musketeer, Cecelia, the boss unit of the first new decktype Neo Nectar has in BT08.
Fitting in with the One for All ideology found in Dumas' classic, the Musketeer units are all about playing off of each other to become more than just the sum of their parts. For example, let's take a look at Cecilia's skill to get a feel for what I mean.
ACT【V】: Limit Break 4 (This ability is active if you have four or more damage):
[Counter Blast (1) & Choose five normal units with "Musketeer" in
its card name from your drop zone, and put them on the bottom of your
deck in any order] Search your deck for up to two cards named " White Lily Musketeer, Cecilia", call them to separate Rear-guard Circles, and shuffle your deck. This ability can only be used once per turn.
ACT【V】: [Choose one of your rear-guards with "Musketeer" in its card
name, and retire it] Look at up to five cards from the top of your deck,
search for up to one card with "Musketeer" in its card name from among
them, call it to Rear-guard Circle, and shuffle your deck. This ability
can only be used once per turn. That's a lot of information to take in, so I'll go over it bit by bit.
First off, we have her Limit Break ability, which is the standard LB4 (It activates when you have at least 4 damage in your damage zone.) For the cost of one Counterblast, you can send 5 normal "Musketeer" units from your drop zone and sen them to your deck in order to recruit 2 more copies of Cecelia from your deck. This has 2 major functions. First of all, it lets you throw some units onto your front lines without using up cards in your hand. Second, and probably more importantly, it allows Cecelia's second skill to go live.
For this lovely lady's other skill, you just need to sacrifice a "Musketeer" unit. Then, you get to play a quick game of Go Fish with your deck, as you check the top 5 cards for a Musketeer Unit. Then, you can choose up to (Note: This can include 0) one "Musketeer" unit and call it to a Rear-Guard circle. While the merits of this ability may not be immediately apparent, I'll explain to you why and how this skill could be useful. But first, let's take a look at other cards you have the potential to grab with her skill.
Black Lily Musketeer, Hermann is a generic clone card that gains 2000 Power when he's boosted by a Neo-Nectar unit. While he isn't too spectacular, he makes a decent choice for a Grade 3 to run alongside Cecelia, as you should have no trouble filling up your field using the Musketeer Units' skills.

Also worth noting, Neo Nectar got 2 Trigger Units that are also Musketeers this set. (Which is most likely why Cecelia only lets you return normal units with her Limit Break skill) Queen of Night Musketeer, Daniel is a critical trigger while Hibiscus Muketeer, Hannah is a heal trigger. (And SO much better looking than Sweet Honey, I might add.)
It is of my personal opinion that the above cards should be maxed out (Hermann should be run at 3, though 4 isn't bad.) Daniel and Hannah for obvious reasons (Being able to do 8 Crit, 4 draw, 4 Heal in this deck helps it apply a lot of pressure), and Hermann because he's the recipient of the sweet abilities of the other Musketeers and makes a fine backup Vangaurd if you have yet to draw Cecelia by the time you ride to Grade 3. But while these three units are fairly self-explanitory, I feel like the next few require a bit more detail.
Tulip Musketeer, Mina (Grade 1) and Tulip Musketeer, Almira (Grade 2) are generic shock units. (Units that have the skill:
AUTO: [Counter Blast (1)] When this unit is placed on Vanguard Circle or Rear-guard Circle, if you have a «CLAN»
vanguard, you may pay the cost. If you do, put the top card of your
deck into your damage zone, and at the beginning of your end phase,
choose a card from your damage zone, return it to your deck, and shuffle
your deck.
Will be referred to as "Shock" or "Pain" units from here on out, so get used to it.)
I've never been a big fain of shock units in decks other than Angel Feather. They always seem like wastes whose space can be used for cards that help the deck run better. Sure, they let you hit Limit Break earlier, but after you hit LB, their usefulness depreciates quickly.
I've never been a big fain of shock units in decks other than Angel Feather. They always seem like wastes whose space can be used for cards that help the deck run better. Sure, they let you hit Limit Break earlier, but after you hit LB, their usefulness depreciates quickly.
Both of these units also have this skill:
AUTO【R】: When this unit attacks, if you have a vanguard with
"Musketeer" in its card name, this unit gets Power +3000 until end of
that battle.
So, as long as you have a Musketeer Vanguard (Which you should), August swings for 12000 unboosted during your turn. Not too shabby, considering he's also Grade 2 and, as such, can intercept if need be. I'd suggest 4 August and 3 Ruth as Ruth, while not as valuable late game, still provides a solid 7000 boost, and can help provide early pressure with her 10000 power unboosted swings.
All of the previous units have had one thing in common. They're all Musketeers. At this point in the article you might be saying. "But wait, Stills. You said that Musketeers worked together at the very start, but I don't see anything that really sets them apart as an archetype other than the names." Well, settle down, random imaginary voice, because I'm about to show you the main cards that make the engine run.
Lily of the Valley Musketeer, Rebecca and Lily of the valley Musketeer, Guyvant are a pair of units with the following skill:
AUTO: [Counter Blast (1) & Choose another of your rear-guards with
"Musketeer" in its card name, and retire it] When this unit is placed on
Vanguard Circle or Rear-guard Circle, if you have a «Neo Nectar»
vanguard, you may pay the cost. If you do, look at up to four cards
from the top of your deck, search for up to one card with "Musketeer" in
its card name from among them, call it to Rear-guard Circle, and
shuffle your deck.
I'll give you a second to read that. Got it?
There. Now do you see what the Musketeers do? When you call either Rebecca or Guyvant (who, like August and Ruth are solid units with 7000 and 9000 Base Powers, respectively) you can counterblast 1 and get rid of a musketeer to search the top 4 cards of your deck for a replacement, just like Cecelia. This lets you potentially trade units out early game for higher-grade units like Hermann, or to upgrade Ruth to August, even if he isn't in your hand. Did you happen to catch how these guys set up for Cecelia, as well? Not only that, but you can even get rid of your starting Vanguard with these guys if you need to. What's that? I never told you about the Starting Vanguard for this deck? Well, that's probably because...
Turnip Musketeer, Kira will be your Starting Vanguard of choice, but only because of her name. She's a generic tutoring Starter. That is to say, she has the following skill.
AUTO: When another «CLAN» rides this unit, you may call this card to Rear-guard Circle.
ACT【R】: [Counter Blast (1) & Put this unit into your soul] Look
at up to five cards from the top of your deck, search for up to one
grade 3 or greater «CLAN» from among them, reveal it to your opponent, put it into your hand, and shuffle your deck.
Every clan has (or will have) one of these. Frankly, unless you NEED that Grade 3 because there isn't one in your hand, Kira is better served as food for Rebecca or Guyvant's skills because not only is she a free card, anyway, you can put her in the drop zone for Cecelia's skill later on in the game.
As you can see, the Musketeers have a lot of potential. However, they still fall short compared to the other new decktype released in this set...
Tree of Life
I'll be the first to admit, when I saw the initial BT08 Spoilers, I thought for sure I was going to be running Musketeers. However, one card totally changed my mind. But before I can get to him, I gotta show you these:
This adorable little guy is Arboros Dragon, Sprout (or Ratoon, but I think that sounds idiotic as hell). Not only is he cuter than anything, he's the first link in a very potent ride chain.
[AUTO]: When a card named "Arboros Dragon, Branch" rides this unit, look at up to seven cards from the top of your deck, search for up to one card named "Arboros Dragon, Sephirot" or "Arboros Dragon, Timber" from among them, reveal it to your opponent, put it into your hand, and shuffle your deck.
[AUTO]: When a «Neo Nectar» other than a card named "Arboros Dragon, Branch" rides this unit, you may call this card to Rear-guard Circle.
So, we have a basic first link skill, rewarding you for getting the second link down, while also searching either the third or fourth link to ensure that the ride goes smoothly. In addition, if you miss your ride, he'll retreat to be an impromptu early-game booster. Pretty basic stuff. But the next link is where things start getting good.
[CONT](VC): If you have a card named "Arboros Dragon, Ratoon" in your soul, this unit gets [Power]+1000.
[AUTO]: When a card named "Arboros Dragon, Timber" rides this unit, if you have a card named "Arboros Dragon, Sprout" in your soul, choose one of your «Neo Nectar»
rear-guards, search your deck for up to one card with the same name as
that unit, call it to Rear-guard Circle, and shuffle your deck. Did you read that second skill? I sure hope you did, because it's a doozy. If you get the third link on top of Branch, you get to choose a rearguard you control and get ANOTHER COPY FROM YOUR DECK FOR NO COST. Obviously, the best option is Carolla Dragon, the clan's 8k booster. But any other Grade 1 is fine. That's why it's ultra important to call a Grade 1 unit after you ride Branch. Otherwise, you won't get the full power of his skill when you ride Timber.
Speaking of, Arboros Dragon, Timber doesn't really add much in the way of new skills. In fact, all he really does is change the names in the text. Super Easy.
[CONT](VC): If you have a card named "Arboros Dragon, Branch" in your soul, this unit gets [Power]+1000.
[AUTO]: When a card named "Arboros Dragon, Sephirot" rides this unit, if you have a card named "Arboros Dragon, Branch" in your soul, choose one of your «Neo Nectar» rear-guards, search your deck for up to one card with the same name as that unit, call it to (RC), and shuffle your deck. Same thing as Branch, just in Grade 2 form. No more explanation needed here. But next up is the one unit that caused me to shift allegiances entirely to the Arboros Dragon Chain...
Arboros Dragon, Sephirot. The big daddy. The guy in charge. The-well, here, look at his skill.
[CONT](VC): Limit Break 4 (This ability is active if you have four or more damage): All your «Neo Nectar» have: "[CONT](VC/RC):
During your turn, if there is a unit with the same name as this unit in
your (VC) or (RC), this unit gets [Power]+3000".
[CONT](VC): If you have a card named "Arboros Dragon, Timber" in your soul, this unit gets [Power]+1000. Woah, wait. Hold up. When your damage is at 4 or more and this guy is chilling on your Vanguard circle, any Neo Nectar Unit you control gets 3000 Extra Power if you have another unit with the same name? That's...really damn good. Combine this that Neo Nectar has the following 2 units and, well, you have one hell of a lineup.
Maiden of Rainbow Wood and Glass Beads Dragon are two Neo Nectar Units with the same skill.
AUTO【V/R】: [Counter Blast (2)] When this unit's attack hits, if you have a «Neo Nectar» vanguard, you may pay the cost. If you do, draw a card.
So, aside from having a respectable 9000 Power, these units also allow you to draw more cards if their attacks hit. Let me remind you that Neo-Nectar, this build especially, are very CB-Light, so you can afford to run 4 each of Maiden and Glass Beads. And, also, don't forget Sephirot's skill. If you have 2 of these pretties out on the field, they will both have 12000 power on your turn. Let's run some calcs, shall we?
Assume you have a Sephirot on the Vangaurd circle with Limit Break active. On either side of your Vanguard is a Maiden of Rainbow Wood, and both have a Carolla Dragon backing them. Each of those Rearguard columns will be swinging for 9000 (Wood) + 8000 (Carolla) + 6000 (From Sephirot's skill affecting both units). You have a total of 23000 BEFORE any trigger boosts you might have. Not only that, but these columns can potentially draw cards if they hit AND can intercept on top of forcing 15000 worth of guard from Dragonic Overlord the End. Given the correct field setup, a Sephirot deck can tear through your opponent's hand while simultaneously bolstering your own.
Unfortunately, the deck is much weaker if you do not draw similarly named units, but that can easily be fixed as you play more into the game. I expect to see the Arboros Dragons causing problems for fighters as soon as BT08 and BT05 hit stateside, so be prepared for plants all over the place!
As always, this is Stephen Stills of Team Sex Bob-Omb signing off and wishing you happy fighting!
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